Tuesday, 24 November 2009


I did a month of work experience at the Southampton design agency - Alniro. The work experience was during the end of the summer and I have decided to post this now because I found some works left over on my computer. There are only a few bits of work because the rest is left with Alniro.

It was a great experience and it shaped my path of my career choice. I was grateful to be working for them in that month! Here are a few bits that I was working on.

Friday, 13 November 2009

Ines Of My Soul

I went through a lot of development to come to this final finish. I enjoyed, frustrated, and pondered over this one. I would not think that the illustration fits the mood of the book but I had to know when to say enough time has been spent on this piece of work.

Tuesday, 10 November 2009

The Forest Of Pygmies

I like this one but I want to raise my standards higher.

Isabela Allande - Forest Of The Pygmies

I am about to start a new illustration on the book Forest Of The Pygmies. The only way I can progress at the moment is by raising my standards of finish work. If you are pleased with every work you produce then there is no space for potential growth. I am going to set my standard very high for this illustration and see how is pans out.

Isabela Allande

Monday, 9 November 2009

The Kingdom Of The Golden Dragon

Here is a book cover I designed for the publishing project in my illustration course. I improvised most of it and I am not sure it it works well but I learned a lot in the process.

Wednesday, 4 November 2009

Isabela Allende

More work on Isabela Allende book covers. I really liked making these ones.

Monday, 26 October 2009

Zorro Cover for the Isabel Allende

This is the first project for year 2 of BA Illustration. I have to design 6 book covers for 6 of Isabel Allende books. Here is one of them in development. The Zorro book.

Friday, 23 October 2009

More old work

These are some more of my old works.

Friday, 5 June 2009

Functions Of Illustration

Here are some works from my last project of my first year of BA Illustration. The subject is based on nutrition and healthy lifestyle.

Wednesday, 3 June 2009

Gilbert's Tattoo

Here is a clean up and a remix. A Illustrator job.

Tuesday, 19 May 2009

A gallery to visit!

I have uploaded most of my work onto this website.


Most of the work is there.

Wednesday, 18 March 2009

Image and Word -beatles lyrics

I have produced a Photoshop piece based on the lyrics from the song Savoy Truffle from The Beatles.

'You might not feel it now
But when the pain cuts through
You're going to know and how
The sweat is going to fill your head
When it becomes too much
You're going to shout aloud'

This will be printed into a book that I will be binding myself.

Tuesday, 24 February 2009


In NLP there is a study on how we represent the world to ourselves. Our internal visual channel is a complete representation of world, to the point that the colour, shape, size, clarity, brightness, distance and framing all play a part of coding experience.

For example, think about something you have done recently that was really boring. Remember the moment and observe the visual details. Is the picture in black and white or in colour? Is it far away or close? Is it detailed of out of focus? Does it have a boarder or is it panoramic? These details are how you have represented and coded that experience to yourself. If was a boring experience then you may have coded it in black and white, far away, unfocused and bordered. It can obviously vary.

On the other hand if you think of one of your most favourite memories that make you feel really good, just observe it. Again; is the picture in black and white or in colour? Is it far away or close? Is it detailed of out of focus? Does it have a boarder or is it panoramic? Most will way it was colourful, close up, focused and panoramic.

Here I have asked people about their memories and the submodalities that are in them. Here is how close I came with illustrating them. In self evaluation I would say I could have been more true to the nature of submodalities rather than letting my aesthetic desires take over.

Friday, 6 February 2009

Surveillance Piece 3

Zac with a halo above his head.... shouldn't suit him.

Another image made for the surveillance project.

Back lit snow trails from the bus stop.

Thursday, 5 February 2009

Surveillance Piece 2

For the project surveillance. Model - Ed

Wednesday, 4 February 2009


For the new project - surveillance. The model - Emily Bell

Tuesday, 3 February 2009

How to make a cup of tea? Arrrum!.

This is another of my projects for Illustration. Simple and informative huh?

Thursday, 15 January 2009

Installation line drawing!

This is for my drawing approaches project based on the idea of my personal utopias. This one is based on my love for gigs like the ones that Installation throw in Southampton. Here Installation http://www.myspace.com/installationband

This is the line drawing and I may fill the illustration in with water color fills. I have more hands on work to do soon so more drawing coming on to the computer screen.

Dusk or dawn?

I should be doing a lot more hands on work for illustrations. I want to learn to draw before doing anymore computer based work. To be able to create something from my imagination would be so good. No doubt that computer arts are the evolution of illustrators but you need the backing skill of drawing.

Lets see what goes.