Friday, 24 October 2008

Logo Project

For our third project of term we were given a country and a profession to produce a logo for. I had a Irish electrician. I went with the idea of having the shamrock a plug. When the class evaluated the work it seems I need to work on the visual syntax of my logo.

Thursday, 23 October 2008

Past Work!

Here is some past works and links from last year in my education at Totton College.

Site project -

Deviant Art account -

Human Project -

Monday, 20 October 2008

YDNA Designs

I have offered to do some designs for a skate/surf shop in Bournemouth called YDNA. The ideas are quite abstract and don't know if they will be used but they were fun to make!

Sunday, 19 October 2008

London Studios

Bishbo - one of the fun!
I will carry on my investigation this week!

Panoramics of Bournemouth

One of the projects at the beginning of my course at the Arts Institute Bournemouth we set out to Bournemouth town to take some snaps. Here are some!